Youth leaders sent to 30 years in prison

Youth leaders sent to 30 years in prison
by -
Ti Myel
Three youth leaders detained in Loi Kaw prison were sentenced to over 30 years in prison, said a source close to them. The three youth leaders played a key role during the anti-referendum movement in May 2008...

Three youth leaders detained in Loi Kaw prison were sentenced to over 30 years in prison, said a source close to them. The three youth leaders played a key role during the anti-referendum movement in May 2008.

The three were arrested on May, 10, 2007 and sent to the investigation centre. After which they were detained in Loi Kaw prison. A special court headed by Nyunt Tin, the commander of Regional Operation Command, found them guilty and sentenced them on charges of establishing an illegal organization, illegal communication with dissident organizations, and working against national interests. The three youth leaders, Ko Be Du (24), Kaw Rio (25) and Dee De (25), were sentenced to a total of 37 years in prison.

"I heard that they will be sent to another prison soon but don't know exactly when. It's certain that they will be sent to Thayawaddy prison," said the source.

The three youth are leaders of the Karenni Students and Youth (KSY), and Kayan Nationalities Generation Youth (KNGY).  Despite being sentenced to 37 years in prison, Ko Be Du, will remain assistant secretary of KNGY and a central committee member.

"The anti-referendum movement hurt them (SPDC). Therefore, the military regime in a vengeful mood sentenced them to so many years in prison. Seven years were added to the 30 years in jail because they drive motorcycles without a driving license," said a member of KNGY.

Before the referendum, the three launched an anti-referendum movement in Loi Kaw, Demaw Hso, Phel Khon towns and 47 villages as of April 27 last year. They distributed leaflets on the streets, sprayed colour on government signboards, set off hot air balloons with anti-referendum slogans, distributed saffron revolution CDs and the wedding ceremony CDs of Gen Than Shwe's daughter. On May 2, 2007, they floated banana trunks with the 'cross sign' (X) flags to Loi Kaw downtown.