Kaladan Press

Burma’s border security force, Nasaka, has been increasing toll collection recently, from the Bawli Bazaar-Maungdaw highway and waterway in Maungdaw...
Reporting to the police station in Maungdaw is a difficult proposition, said a local elder. Recently, the police force in Maungdaw police station...
Reporting to the police station in Maungdaw is a difficult proposition, said a local elder. Recently, the police force in Maungdaw police station...
Three villagers from Sarfoddin Bill Village of Maungdaw Township were arrested by Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) of Nasaka area No. 6 on July...
Farmers in Maungdaw Township, are finding it difficult to cultivate their farmlands as monsoon season going late and the farmers can’t able to plough...
Officials of the Maungdaw based Burmese border security force, Nasaka sector number 4 and 5 have collected and seized household family lists without...
The farmers in Arakan State are finding it difficult to cultivate their farmlands as Burmese Army battalions stationed in the State are forcing them...
More than 71 Burmese nationals were pushed back to Burma by the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) from different transit points of the Burma-Bangladesh border...
A crisis in small currency notes has been troubling businessmen in Maungdaw Township since 2000, said a businessman on condition of anonymity...
Bangladesh’s Food and Disaster Management Minister, Dr. Mohammed Abdur Razzak has raised the Rohingya refugee issue with Burmese Ambassador, Phae...
Burma’s border security force, Nasaka headquartered in Maungdaw Township has been advancing money to villagers of the township forcibly in exchange...
An administrative officer was dismissed from his post in the Maungdaw Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) office on the allegation that he...
The Township Peace and Development Council, (TPDC) chairman of Maungdaw Township has seized a Rohingya Muslim cemetery in the Township for use though...
Bangladeshi authorities have decided to file a case against Rohingya entering Bangladesh illegally, according to sources. On July 19, six Burmese...
Over 200 acres of arable land are not being used for growing paddy in Kawarbill village, Maungdaw Township this monsoon. The land was seized from...
