Nasaka seizes household family lists in Maungdaw

Nasaka seizes household family lists in Maungdaw
Officials of the Maungdaw based Burmese border security force, Nasaka sector number 4 and 5 have collected and seized household family lists without citing any reason, said a school teacher from Bawli Bazaar...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Officials of the Maungdaw based Burmese border security force, Nasaka sector number 4 and 5 have collected and seized household family lists without citing any reason, said a school teacher from Bawli Bazaar.
Nasaka personnel went to Ngakura village tract to check for guests at night look over the family lists on July 24. They seized the families list without any reason, he added.
The Nasaka personnel, who went to check for guest at night have the right according to the law to fine and arrest the house owner and the guest if the village authorities were not informed. But this time they collected and seized all family lists, from all the families of the village tract, said a village elder.
The Nasaka told village authorities that if any villager wants his or her family list, they would have to come to the Nasaka office to collect it, said a member of the village authority.
The Nasaka sector number 5 delivered 25 family lists yesterday by taking money per list ranging from kyat 30,000- 50,000, the village authority added.
The Nasaka is collecting and seizing family lists from villagers to extort money, said a student from Maungdaw.
They may also be checking the list for the forthcoming election or collecting the list of Rohingyas fleeing from their home land, he added.
Families living in the border area have to put up with checks at any time. So, the Rohingya families, who are living in the border area have to keep family list in their home, otherwise they have to pay a big amount of money to the authorities, who check the list, the student added.