Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazaar: An unregistered Arakanese Rohingya refugee woman of Kutupalong makeshift camp was killed by camp security man (Anser) on March 25 in Chittagong, said a refugee from the camp.
The alleged killer was identified as Mohamed Zaiur Rahaman, with Rang No. (28538). He was arrested in Chittagong on May 5, the refugee said.
Nur Fatema , 32, daughter of Abul Bashar, was living in the Kutupalong makeshift camp which is beside the UNHCR official camp, the refugee added.
Nur Fatema, the victim was brought to Chittagong from the unregistered Kutupalong makeshift camp to get married to Anser Zairur Rahaman. He did not get married and killed her, sources added.
On March 24, Anser Ziaur Rahaman with Nur Fatema went to the New Golden City Hotel as husband and wife, where they booked a room. They stayed in room number 210, in the hotel which is near Holonkar in the main station of Chittagong-Dhaka high way, said the hotel manager.
The next day, Zaiur went out of the hotel and in the evening the hotel boy went to collect the room rent, but there was no answer from inside the room. So he called the manager. On suspicion, the manager called the police. The police found the body of Nur Fatema in the room, said sources.
The police was searching for Ziaur Rahaman with the details of registration and calling list from a mobile which found in the room of the hotel. After more than a month, Chittagong police found him and arrested him on charges of murder yesterday from the UNHCR official camp of Kutupalong, said a source from Ukiya police station.
According to sources, many Arakanese Rohingya women were raped by local goons and government security forces in Bangladesh. They came to Bangladesh as it is a Muslim country to escape religion persecution, movement restriction, marriage restriction and other human right abuses such as rape, extortion, torture and extra judicial killings by Nasaka, Military junta, Sarapa (Intelligence Department) and police in Arakan State, Burma.
An elderly old man from the makeshift camp said, “We are facing same as like as Burma in Bangladesh, where is our security of life and safety.”