Two Burmese timber traders arrested in Bangladesh

Two Burmese timber traders arrested in Bangladesh
Two Burmese timber traders were arrested by Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) on April 2, while returning to Teknaf after visiting Chittagong city, the second capital of Bangladesh, said a trader from Teknaf who declined....

Two Burmese timber traders were arrested by Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) on April 2, while returning to Teknaf after visiting Chittagong city, the second capital of Bangladesh, said a trader from Teknaf who declined to be named.

The arrested were identified as Aga and Tun Myint Aung from Gwa Township in Arakan State. They came to Bangladesh with timber to sell at the Teknaf Land Port.

On March 30, they reached Teknaf Land Port with timber from Gwa Township and sold it. They have Bangladeshi partners in Teknaf. After selling the timber, they went to Chittagong along with two Bangladeshi partners. After visiting Chittagong city, they returned to Teknaf on April 2, in the morning by bus.

But, they were arrested by BDR at Dum Dum Meah BDR check-post on suspicion that they were agents of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) of Burma. They had permission to visit only Teknaf area, and had not been authorized to visit Chittagong. After arrest, they were handed over to Teknaf police station, according to an aide of BDR from Teknaf.

The two Bangladeshi partners took them to Chilttagong illegally without taking permission from the concerned authorities. So, the two Bangladeshis namely Mohin and another belonging to Teknaf union were also arrested by the BDR.

On April 3, the arrested Burmese timber traders were sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail following a case filed against them. The arrested Bangladeshi nationals were detained at Teknaf police station.

According to a businessman from Teknaf, the Burmese timber traders are not involved in a spy net work, and they are genuine businessmen, who frequently came to Bangladesh with timber from Burma.