Nasaka takes money from Tabalique members

Nasaka takes money from Tabalique members
Yesterday, Burma’s Border Security Force, Nasaka personnel of Nasaka Headquarters Gate of Maungdaw Township collected Kyat 500 per head from a Tabalique group while they were going to Maungdaw.....

Yesterday, Burma’s Border Security Force, Nasaka personnel of Nasaka Headquarters Gate of Maungdaw Township collected Kyat 500 per head from a Tabalique group while they were going to Maungdaw north from Tabalique Center of Maungdaw town by bus across a Nasaka Gate, said a local from Maungdaw town.

The Tabalique (religious preaching) group consisting of 15 members led by Ismail of Gudu Sara Village of Maungdaw Township went to Maungdaw north from Maungdaw town together with recommendation letters from concerned authorities. But, they had no Identity Cards so they were fined Kyat 500, per person.

They are restricted by the Nasaka within the township, from one village to another village. The Tabalique group number 109, and they were traveling at around 5 pm, said a youth from Maungdaw who declined to be named.

The Nasaka Headquarters Gate is established near Nasaka Headquarters of Kawar Bill of Maungdaw Township from which every Rohingya passengers or travelers to and fro Maungdaw town are halted and checked excluding non-Rohingyas.

Every Rohingya passenger has to show Nasaka their National Identity Cards, or photographs or recommendation letters from concerned authorities. If the documents are in order, he is allowed to pass the gate; otherwise he/ she will have to pay money to the Nasaka.

Many Rohingya travelers are humiliated at the Gate by the Nasaka personnel. All the passengers excluding non-Rohingyas have to get down from the bus or cars or rickshaw to pass the gate. If any one does not comply with the order, he/she will be punished or fined, said a businessman from the locality.