Unregistered refugee girl raped by MSF field staff

Unregistered refugee girl raped by MSF field staff
A 16-year old unregistered Arakanese Rohingya refugee girl was raped by a field staff of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on March 18 at noon, according to a camp...

Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazaar - A 16-year old unregistered Arakanese Rohingya refugee girl was raped by a field staff of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on March 18 at noon, according to a camp committee member.

The culprit was identified as Kabir Ahmed, a field staff of MSF. On that day, he was on duty in the Kutupalong makeshift camp where he was monitoring the health situation of refugees. The MSF provides basic treatment to the unregistered refugees, who live under the open sky, the member said.

During duty, he called the victim Hasina (16), (not real name), from her hut and took her to an empty hut and raped her, according to the victim’s statement.

At that time some refugees went to the spot and caught him on hearing her screaming.

Later, the refugees went to the MSF field office and complained about the rape, but did not get a response from the MSF officer, he added.

When Kaladan Press Network (KPN) contacted the MSF field officer, he said “I am not able to give any information. Please contact the head office.”

When contacted the MSF Cox’s Bazaar office spokesman said, “We heard about it, but have no details and there is no officer to give details, please contact the field officer of the camp.”