Arakanese Rohingya woman raped in Buthidaung

Arakanese Rohingya woman raped in Buthidaung
by -
Tin Soe
Buthidaung, Arakan State: An Arakanese Rohingya woman was raped by  sergeant Myo Naing and two soldiers from Military Operation Command (MOC)-15 of Buthidaung base on February 22 in Poenyoleak village,...

Buthidaung, Arakan State: An Arakanese Rohingya woman was raped by  sergeant Myo Naing and two soldiers from Military Operation Command (MOC)-15 of Buthidaung base on February 22 in Poenyoleak village, said a villager from said village.

The Malitary personnel are from MOC 15 which come to collect force labor from near by villages under Burmese border security force sector number 9 to renovate the headquarter, temporary station at Poenyolek village under the control of Lieutenant  Kyaw Linn Maung, the villager said.

The victim is Mustafa Begun, 21 daughter of Salim Ullah hailed from Poenyolek village.

On February 22, at about 18:00 hour, Mustafa Begum was going to fetch water near by her home, the army personnel forcefully dragged and raped her which was seen by a local villager who rush to her father to inform the accident, the villager more added.

Salim Ullah with village elders and village authority went to the army station camp to inform the accident to the Lieutenant Kyaw Linn Maung, but the officer didn’t give any action against to his forces and beaten the villagers and her father, said a village authority.

“ My soldiers are not out of camp this time and you insult the army,” said the officer and beaten with cane stick. The officer also told the villager, “If next time you come and complain like this, I will sent you to the jail,” said a village elder.