Eight Burmese nationals arrested from border as intelligent staff of Burma

Eight Burmese nationals arrested from border as intelligent staff of Burma
Shapuri Dip, Bangladesh: Eight Burmese nationals were arrested with suspicion as intelligent staff of Burma by Bangladeshi Coastguard from Shapuri Dip jetty in Bangladesh on February 12, while their cargo boat was anchored,...

Shapuri Dip, Bangladesh: Eight Burmese nationals were arrested with suspicion as intelligent staff of Burma by Bangladeshi Coastguard from Shapuri Dip jetty in Bangladesh on February 12, while their cargo boat was anchored, said a close aide of Bangladesh Rifles( BDR).  

A day before their arrest, the eight Rakhines of Ann Township of Arakan State loaded 87 heads of cattle in a boat and reached  the cattle market of Shapuri Dip jetty  to sell. They came to Bangladesh under the stewardship of Ahamed Sharif Boli, from Azakhali new village of Sabran union under Shapuri Dip.

According to Mojibur Rahman, contingent Commander of the coastguard of Teknaf, a team raided Shapuri Dip jetty after being tipped off. On that day, at about 9 a.m. a section of Bangladesh coastguards went to the spot and checked the boat and seized some important papers and satellite telephones, cameras, some pictures of Bangladeshi warships and naval bases. Also found were incriminating documents.  So, they were arrested.

The arrested Rakhines may be intelligence staff of the Burmese government, it is suspected, coastguard officials said

However, at about 1 p.m. policemen from Teknaf and some Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) personnel went there and brought the arrested to Teknaf police station for further interrogation. But, a case has been filed against them in Teknaf police station, sources said.

The arrested were identified as Aung Thein, Min Shwe, Soe Naing, Myo Thein, Soe Moe Oo, Myo Htay, Maung Shwe and Maung Aye. They are cattle traders, who frequently come to Bangladesh to sell their cattle. On February 13, they were sent to Cox’s Bazaar jail from Teknaf police station, a local businessman added.  

Occasionally, some cattle traders of Ann, Taunggup, Minbya, Manaung Gwa and Kyaukpru Townships of Arakan State come to Bangladesh to sell their cattle under the border trade agreement. They give tax to the concerned authorities of Bangladesh and have partners in Bangladesh. The cattle traders buy cattle in Burma at around 300,000 to 500,000 Kyats depending on the cow’s size. But, in Bangladesh, a cow is sold at Taka 20,000 to 30,000, said a local on condition of anonymity. (One Taka = 15 Kyat)

The boat was seized but the boat owner Ahmed Sharif was released after paying money. The value of the boat is Taka 12 million. The cattle were also released, said a businessman from Shapuri Dip.

Some of the local people from Shapuri Dip said, “It is a conspiracy against the local cattle trader Ahmed Sharif because of financial rivalry. Some people plotted against him. The Rakhines are foreigners and innocent. They know nothing about it, but are arrested and jailed.”

A local elder said, “These photographs are available here. These are not very important for Bangladesh security.”

Another local people who declined to be named said, “Now, we are able to buy beef or red meat at a cheaper price, in future, prices will go up if such incidents go on.”