US ambassador visits Shapuri Dip

US ambassador visits Shapuri Dip
Teknaf, Bangladesh: James F. Moriarty, the US ambassador to Dhaka visited Shapuri Dip in southern Bangladesh today, at about 10:30 am to oversee the construction of cyclone centers and to advice the concerned authorities,...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: James F. Moriarty, the US ambassador to Dhaka visited Shapuri Dip in southern Bangladesh today, at about 10:30 am to oversee the construction of cyclone centers and to advice the concerned authorities, said a local official.   

The ambassador went in a convoy of 12 cars with security provided by Rab (Rapid Action Battalion) and police. He returned at around 11:45 am.

The ground breaking work of the US government-funded seven Multi-Purpose Cyclone Shelters began in Cox's Bazaar district, yesterday.

The shelter sites are in Shahpuri Dip north-west Para, Shahpuri Dip south Para, Hamidia Para, Habi Mohammed Hussein Para, Kutupalong, Goolia Palong and Haladia Patar Bari, said a press release from the US embassy.

The seven shelters funded by the US government, through the US Pacific Command, will be used as school cum shelter centers. As schools, each centre will be able to accommodate 120 students and shelter up to 1,200 people during natural disasters.

The humanitarian assistance projects are part of a 2009 agreement between the US Government and Government of Bangladesh providing $2.1 million to construct multi-purpose cyclone shelters and bridges.

Besides these seven shelters, there are also 23 multi-purpose cyclone shelters and four bridges now under construction in Cyclone Sidr-affected areas of Khulna and Barisal.

The US government has provided more than $5.5 billion in development assistance to Bangladesh since independence.