Arakanese Rohingya forced to join unregistered camp

Arakanese Rohingya forced to join unregistered camp
Arakanese Rohingyas are being forced to join the unregistered refugee camp of Kutupalong by authorities after arrest along the border and residential areas, where their security is uncertain ...

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: Arakanese Rohingyas are being forced to join the unregistered refugee camp of Kutupalong by authorities after arrest along the border and residential areas, where their security is uncertain, according to member of a NGO which works  in Teknaf.

Yesterday, some Rohingyas were arrested from residential areas of Kalatoli under Cox’s Bazaar district by the police. Over 65 Arakanese Rohingyas including women were arrested from difference areas and Teknaf-highway yesterday by Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and police, according to sources.

On the other hand, around 33 Rohingyas were handed to Teknaf police station by the BDR. They were arrested from Whykong and were released later as they were going to the unregistered refugee camp of Kutuplaong.

More than 200 families of nearly 1000 members from Cox’s Bazaar, Teknaf and along the border area  joined the Kutupalong makeshift camp, said a refugee committee member.

Along the border area, the police go to residential areas and harass the Rohingya where they live.

“Most of the Arakanese Rohingyas living along the border join the Kutupalong makeshift camp for their safety, but they are facing difficulties in survival as they can’t go outside the camp for fear of arrest by police, local people and BDR,” said a refugee from Kutupalong camp.

“There is no difference between Burma and Bangladesh for Arakanese Rohingya. We cannot sleep at night fearing arrest in Bangladesh, like we could not sleep in Arakan State because of the Burmese military junta (Nasaka),” he added.