Computer training introduced in Burmese refugee camps

Computer training introduced in Burmese refugee camps
Computer training has been introduced in Kutupalong and Nayapara Burmese refugee camps under the Cox’s Bazaar district of Bangladesh, from September 15 and 16 with the support ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Computer training has been introduced in Kutupalong and Nayapara Burmese refugee camps under the Cox’s Bazaar district of Bangladesh, from September 15 and 16 with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR), said master Zahid from the Nayapara camp.

However, the training was implemented by ITM International, co-sponsored by Microsoft and Pricewaterhouse Coopers. The training was inaugurated by Camp-in-Charges (CIC) of the two camps.

Ms Tatrim, education officer of UNHCR, the head of UNHCR sub-office of Cox’s Bazar, and Miss Monica, the field coordinator of Research and Training Management (RTM), spoke at the inauguration. They all asked the trainers to learn very willingly and it would help the trainees anywhere in future, said another refugee master, who declined to be named.

All the trainees are educated till class five. There are two training centers, one is in Nayapara camp and another one is in Kutupalong camp. There are 15 laptops in each center. In each training center, there are 120 male students and 30 female students.

There are four trainers for each center, two local trainers and another two trainers from refugees. The training period is only for three months. There are also 15 LCD monitors with solar power in each center, he added.

A student named Zahid Hussain from the Nayapara camp said, “I am very happy because computer training has been introduced in the camps and I am one of the students of the training programme. My long term dream is likely to be fulfilled in future.”

Another female student named Salama from Kutupalong said, “I am very happy because I have been selected as one of the students for computer training.”

When asked, a parent from the Nayapara camp said, “It is very good for our children. We have been waiting for such kind of training for a long time.”