Rohingya refugees selected for resettlement in New Zealand

Rohingya refugees selected for resettlement in New Zealand
Thirty Rohingya refugees from five families have been selected for resettlement in New Zealand, according to a refugee from the Nayapara camp...

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: Thirty Rohingya refugees from five families have been selected for resettlement in New Zealand, according to a refugee from the Nayapara camp.

The selected Rohingya refugees have left the camp for Dhaka, where they will be taught the culture and customs of New Zealand on September 5, he said.  

Four families having 26 members are from the Kutupalong refugee camp, while one family with four members belongs to the Nayapara camp, an official said.

The refugees will leave Dhaka for New Zealand within this month, according to a committee member from the Kutupalong camp.

A group of Rohingya refugees were settled in New Zealand on June 30, 2008 as the initial group.

Over 27,000 Rohingya refugees have been waiting for resettlement, from both the Nayapara and Kutupalong refugee camps.