Nasaka fines villagers for not informing about guests

Nasaka fines villagers for not informing about guests
Burma’s border security force, Nasaka, has imposed a fine on villagers, for not submitting guest lists to the concerned authorities between July 5 and 8, according to a local businessman...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma’s border security force, Nasaka, has imposed a fine on villagers, for not submitting guest lists to the concerned authorities between July 5 and 8, according to a local businessman.
On July 5, Islam (18), son of Imam Hussain, who hails from Naribill (Kyaukpyinseik) East Village of Maungdaw Township, was arrested by the local Nasaka personnel for not informing them about his guests. He was brought to the Naribill (Kyaukpyinseik) Nasaka camp and was released after paying Kyat 50,000 and two big cocks as fine.
On the same day, three of Islam’s relatives from Maung Nama village came to his house to visit his family members. The village is only one mile away from Naribill (Kyaukpyinseik) village. The guests were eating, while the Nasaka came to Islam’s house, at about 10:00 pm. The guests intended to return to their homes after having food. Normally, the Nasaka has the right to check the guest lists, after midnight, a relative of the victim said.
Similarly, on July 8, Abdul Salam (60), son of Osiur Rahman, who hails from Naribill (Kyaukpyinseik) Village of Maungdaw Township was arrested by the Nasaka for receiving guests without giving prior information to the concerned authorities.
On that day, one of the sons-in-law of Abdul Salam came to his house to visit his father-in-law and Osiur Rahman prepared a special dinner for his son-in-law. He planned to go back home after having dinner before mid-night. However, the local Nasaka, acting on information, went to the spot and arrested the house owner and brought him to the Nasaka camp along with the food.  Later, that night, Abdul Salam was released after he paid Kyat 1.5 million, a close friend of Abdul Salam said.
According to a local, the Nasaka targets the Naribill (Kyaukpyinseik) villagers because most of the villagers are from well to do families and the authority knows that they will get money if they arrest them on minor charges.
A student of the Government High School said, “Why do the concerned authorities take money from Rohingya villagers based on false and fabricated allegations? I think there are other reasons behind it.”
On other side, the concerned authority who are checking the family list of household, made a system to earn money from Rohingya community from Mingalahgyi ( Parnpru) village, if some one is out of the house at night must pay 25,000 kyats as fine and any one of visitor found in the house also same amount to pay. The Rohingya community in this village is farmer; need to stay in the farm house to protect their property at night, but the authority fine for it, said a school teacher of Maungdaw.