BSI team investigates extortion case in Maungdaw

BSI team investigates extortion case in Maungdaw
A three-member delegation led by BSI (Bureau of Special Intelligence) officer of Arakan State arrived in Maungdaw Town on October 31 to investigate an extortion case of the district police officer U Aung Htwe...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: A three-member delegation led by BSI (Bureau of Special Intelligence) officer of Arakan State arrived in Maungdaw Town on October 31 to investigate an extortion case of the district police officer U Aung Htwe. He allegedly accepted bribe from Rohingya villagers concerning an incident between the police and villagers, a source close to the police said. 

In September 2008, a clash occurred between Maungdaw police and villagers of Kilaidaung (Du Chee Yar Dan) of Maungdaw south regarding mobile phones. The Commander of Magee Chaung Nasaka camp of Nasaka Area No.7 of Maungdaw Township gave permission to use mobile phones to villagers of Du Chee Yardan to make contacts abroad by taking monthly fees. This was known to the Maungdaw police, so some of the police went to said village to arrest the mobile phone holders in September.

When the police tried to arrest the villagers, they resisted and then a clash ensued between the police and villagers. Villagers were emboldened because they had permission from the Nasaka (Burma's border security force). Later, more police were deployed at that village and arrested the villagers including women and tortured them.

Regarding the police harassment, Moulvi Ismail son of Nazir Ahmed, hailing from that village collected thousands of kyat and paid to the district police officer U Aung Htwe to stop the harassment. After that police discrimination was stopped, said a village elder on condition of anonymity. 

The commander of Magee Chaung camp, the following day went to the village and arrested Moulvi Ismail including two other villagers and sent them to Nasaka Headquarters. A report was sent from Nasaka headquarters regarding the incident by asking the arrestees and then sent to the higher authorities. Regarding the event, a delegation from Sittwe came to Maungdaw Town to make an inquiry.

The arrested told Nasaka Headquarters that they collected money from villagers to stop police harassment and paid all the money to the District Police officer. The district police officer gave some money to the OC (Officer-in-Charge) of Maungdaw police station, said a close relative of the victims. 

However, the detainees are still in Nasaka headquarter custody.