Rohingyas IDPs Need Tents And Warm Blankets

Rohingyas IDPs Need Tents And Warm Blankets
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Thousands of internally displaced Rohingya who fled to Oo Daung and Kyack Pandu from Rathedaung Township villages after the June sectarian violence urgently need tents, warm clothing and blankets.

“We are sleeping under leaves and the cover of bushes..Since we arrived in June we didn’t get aid from international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) or the government until recently,” said one elder. The UNHCR delivered food and medicine but nothing to help keep the lDPs warm from the approaching winter.  

“We are facing a tent shortage. All the available tents have already been sent to displaced Rohingyas in Akyab. We need tents  warm blankets and clothing,” said a local NGO worker.

One man said they have faced many hardships living in overcrowded squalid camps.

“When we first arrived, we had no foods to feed our families. We were starving most of the time and lost many of our loved ones. Now we are asking help from the  INGOs to save us from the winter cold by providing us with tents and warm cloth.”

Over 100,000 have been displaced from the fighting between Muslims and Buddhist in June and October in Arakan State – the majority of those Muslim.