Rohingya Village Facing Food Shortage

Rohingya Village Facing Food Shortage
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Urgent humanitarian aid is needed for Rohingya villagers in Zula Para who are facing a food crisis caused by the recent mob violence.

“We had 430 houses in our village before we were attacked by Rakhine mobs on October 23. Now we have only 7 houses remaining,” said one local.

The local also said 100 people in the village were killed. They buried 68 people but 32 people are still missing. The people are camped in what remains of the village; many living in make shift dwellings constructed with what materials are available such as bamboo and grass.

Although the military has secured the area from further attacks, the people have no food or water.

“The local Rakhine villagers won’t sell us anything and the security force isn’t helping us get rations. We’re not allowed to leave the village. Its like living like in a jail,” said one villager.

One youth said they have some food from their rice fields.

An elder said they need rations from the international community. The government would rather see them starve.

“The Thein Sein government and Arakan State government officials are only supplying aid to the Rakhine community and not to us.”