Nasaka demands money for bodies of dead boatpeople

Nasaka demands money for bodies of dead boatpeople
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Teknaf, Bangladesh: Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) demanded money from the relatives of dead or missing boat people  after a boat capsized near Shapuri Dip, in the Bay of Bengal, on November 23,  2011, according to a local elder who refused to be named.

The source told Kaladan Press a Malaysia-bound trawler carrying 155 boatpeople capsized near Shapuri Dip in the early morning leaving 138 boat-people dead or missing.
Seventeen people were rescued by fishermen.  The rescued people were hidden by the Nasaka for fear of exposing their involvement in human trafficking.
 He said, “The dead bodies were buried at sea by the Nasaka using heavy stones, to destroy evidence of the event.”

The agents or brokers collect Kyat 500,000 from would-be boat people before going to Malaysia or Thailand. After reaching Malaysia the travelers will have to pay another Kyat 500,000 each. So, they had a verbal agreement to pay a total of Kyat one million, a traveler who is survived said.  

At present, Nasaka collaborators Azizul Haque and the village administrator officer, with the help of Nasaka, are demanding the relatives of the dead boat people in Myint Hlut Village, of Maungdaw Township, pay Kyat 500,000 for each dead traveler, which they argue was promised after they reached Malaysia. So, Nasaka personnel are creating problems for the relatives who refused to pay money, a local trader said.

“As a result, the relatives of the dead requested the higher concerned authorities to give them protection from the brutal Nasaka,” according to a businessman from the area, who asked not to be named.

“It is an inhumane activity against the Rohingya community,” a local youth said.

According to different sources, the illegal and risky journey by boat to Thailand or Malaysia has been a common happening in the area for the last couple of years. People make the journey in winter, when the sea is calmer.

Over the years, many boats capsized, killing passengers. As well, the Indian and Thai coast guards arrested many of the fortune-seekers.