State Immigration and Population chief forces magistrate to imprison 9-Rohingya in Akyab

State Immigration and Population chief forces magistrate to imprison 9-Rohingya in Akyab
by -
Kaladan Press

Akyab, Arakan State: The Chief of the State Immigration and Population of Arakan State forced a female magistrate to imprison nine Rohingya including five men and four women in Akyab on September 8, said a leader from Akyab, denying to be named for security reason.

“The five Rohingya were release from court on bail on September 6 by the female magistrate, but the Chief State Immigration and Population of Arakan State forced the magistrate to issue the arrest warrant for released Rohingya male on same day at 9:00pm as the female magistrate pressurized by the concerned authority from Nay Pyi Daw.”

“The nine Rohingya including five men and 4 women, hail from Akyab, were sentenced to two and a half years in jail by a court of Akyab under the Article 188 of the penal code 6(2) and 6(3) on September 8, 2011, without having any chance to defend themselves through legal procedure.”

14 Rohingyas including 5 men, 4 women and 5 children were arrested at the Max Toll Gate from Mawbi Township on July 29, 2011 while on the way to pay a visit to their relatives living in Rangoon and detained there, according to their relative.

“The arrestees 14 persons were identified as---Shaffi Rahman (45), son of Abdu Rahman, hailed from Anauk Pyin village of Rathedaung township, Jalal Hussain (48), son of Jamal Hussain, hailed from Thake Pyin village of Akyab, Ms Hla Hla May (22), daughter of Mohamed Shaffi, hailed from Ambala Quarter of Akyab, she had obtained B. Sc (Physics) degree from Sittwe University, Ms Nur Naher (28), daughter of Abul Hussain, haled from Thake Para of Akyab,  Ms Rashida  Begum (27), daughter of Hanifa, hailed from Thake Pyin village, Sayed Mohamed ( 37), son of Hamid Hussain, hailed from Bumay village, Akyab, Ms Salma Khatun (31), daughter of Mohamed, hailed from Aung Mingala Quarter of Akyab, Ziaul Haque (40), son of Hussain Ahmed, hailed from Thake Pyin, and Omor Hakim (37), son of Eklas Meah, hailed from Aung Mingala of Akyab, besides, five other children.”

But, on July 30, 2011, the arrested Rohingyas were sent to Akyab and temporarily detained in the police station No.1, where they were severely harassed and tortured, said a relative of one of the victims.

“Later, on September 5, the five children were released without charge. The children were—two children of Ms Nur Naher, aged 9 to 4 years, another two children of Ms Rashida, aged 4 to 2 years, and last one child of Ms Salma Khatun, aged 4 years.”

“These jailed people are nothing to do with the “illegal entries” as they are all hailed from Akyab and Rathedaung Townships and they all hold NRC cards. Though they have the NRC cards and native of Arakan State, how did they become illegal entries? But it is true that” Might is Right”, said a politician.

“The task was and acts of cowardice and pure extra-jurisdiction in the era of Democratic Administration under the leadership of President Thein Sein, while the international and local communities are hoping that Burma will be changed into Democracy and the human rights violations against the peoples will be stopped under the leadership of President Thein Sein,” said Hla Aung, the president of NDPHR- Exile (National Democratic Party for Human Rihghts), Paris, France in a statement.

“All those people are citizens of Burma and they have inborn rights to move about freely inside the country as they wish and that was clearly mentioned in the constitutions.”

According to Minister Khin Yi, the Minister of Immigration and Population, in the Parliament on August 30, 2011, as there were “illegal entries” in the border of Bangladesh, it should be controlled and scrutinized.  Its sounds are reasonable, but it is totally ridiculous to pose a “collective punishment” to the entire population of the State: restrictions of free movement, education, religion, social welfare, marriage and etc---. Furthermore such measure was never applied in many other states through “illegal entries” exists there too.

“Bertil Linter, a prominent writer of many books about Burma said that since 1935, there was no infiltrator to Burma from neighboring country Bangladesh (earlier East- Pakistan).”

“In really, the economic situation of Burma has been bad to worst since long, in this circumstance, no one wants to enter Burma, but thousands of people across the country are entering neighboring countries in daily basis and it is well known to the international community,” said a business man preferring not to be named.