Visiting Nasaka headquarters is very difficult for Rohingya

Visiting Nasaka headquarters is very difficult for Rohingya
by -
Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: The residents of Maungdaw face many difficulties in attempting to visit or even pass by the headquarters of the Burma border security force, or Nasaka, said a resident of Kyikanpin Village Tract.

“The headquarters are situated on the Maungdaw-Kyein Chang motor road and in the Kyikanpyin Village Tract. Whoever passes the Nasaka’s headquarters must get out from their vehicles, bicycles, and motorbikes. This is only for the Rohingya community.” 

Members of the Rohingya community who want to inquire about personal proposals or summons by the Nasaka are facing many hardships to enter the headquarters, said an elder from Maungdaw.

“If you are a religious leader, you must remove your hat and put your long sleeves inside your sarong. If you are female, you have to remove your veil, which is against the Rohingya traditions.”

“According to our Rohingya culture, we need long-sleeved shirts and hats whenever religious leaders are traveling, and females have to cover their body with veils, but whenever the Rohingya want to visit the Nasaka headquarters, they must change their customs and traditions, which is very hard for the Rohingya community,” Moulana Syedul Amin told the Chief Minister while they met yesterday at Maungdaw Administrative Office.