Bridegroom arrested for using power generator during wedding ceremony

Bridegroom arrested for using power generator during wedding ceremony
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Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: A bridegroom and his elder brother were arrested by Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) on May 17 over the allegation that the groom had used a power generator for supplying light during the ceremony, said a close relative who declined to be named.

“The arrested was identified as bridegroom Nur Mohamed (30), accompanied by his elder brother Moulvi Oli Ahmed (35). The two hail from Thayegondan Village of Maungdaw Township.”

The bridegroom and his elder brother had already received permission for the wedding ceremony from the local Nasaka authority. After getting permission, the bridegroom held the ceremony on May 17, inviting local people and using a power generator at night.

However, on May 17, at about 11 p.m., a group of Nasaka personnel from Nasaka mobile camp of Ywar Thit Village who were staying in a primary school went to the ceremony and arrested the said two brothers over the allegation that they were using power generator without permission. Following the arrest, they were brought to their mobile camp (in a school) where they were detained, said a local trader who asked not to be named.

However, May 20, the brothers were released after paying 200,000 kyat as a bribe.

A relative of the victims on condition of anonymity said, “One group gives permission for using a power generator in the wedding ceremony, and another group goes to the ceremony and arrests and extorts money from the bridegroom party. They treat the Rohingya as fools.”

Another village elder said, “This is unnecessary harassment to the bridegroom and the people who were enjoying the wedding ceremony.”