Rohingya hosts meeting of ethnic groups in UK

Rohingya hosts meeting of ethnic groups in UK
by -
Kaladan Press

Chittagong, Bangladesh: In April, the regular meeting of Burmese ethnic groups living in the UK was hosted by the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, or BROUK, on April 23, according to Mr. Tun Khin, the president of BROUK.


“The Kachin, Chin, Karen, and Rohingya ethnic groups attended the regular meeting, and it was held at No 10 Station Road, Walmthamstow, London.”

“All the ethnic groups updated the others on the current situations of their area inside Burma and the positions outside Burma.”

In the meeting, a program was held to discuss future activities and events in order to deliver a unified message to international communities and the rulers of Burma that all ethnic groups stand together in their commitment for a genuine federal union of Burma, Tun Khin said.

“The ethnic situations are still in the same positions in their areas after the sham election which was held on 7 November 2010. There are neither improvements nor changes, and in some areas the situations are even getting worse.”


“Human rights violations and discriminations against ethnic minorities are occurring continuously.”

“All participants harmoniously decided to work together harder and to play critical roles in fighting their common enemy, dictatorship, by all means, and also highlighted that it is very important for the ethnic people of Burma to work in unison as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi recommended after her release,” said the organizing secretary of BROUK.

“The meeting was started at 16:00 and successfully finished by 19:00, along with some vital meeting resolutions.”

“Finally, all ethnic brothers and sisters enjoyed a traditional Rohingya dinner served by members of the Rohingya ethnic community in the UK.”