Nasaka arrests two Bangladeshi in Maungdaw

Nasaka arrests two Bangladeshi in Maungdaw
by -
Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) arrested two Bangladeshi in Maungdaw North on April 18 while the men visited Peran Pru Village of Maungdaw Township for business purposes, said a local elder on condition of anonymity.

The two Bangladeshis had no documents when they visited Maungdaw North because earlier they visited many times in that area after bribing local Nasaka personnel. The two Bangladeshis thought if they were arrested, they would be free easily after paying money. However, this dream did not come true, said another local businessman.

“Following their arrest from the local market, they were brought to the local Nasaka camp of Peran Pru Village and were interrogated there. During the questioning, they confessed that after crossing the Burma-Bangladesh border, they stayed at the houses of Md. Rofique (22), son of Shek Ahmed, and Osman (45), son of Khalu of Peran Pru village.”

As a result, the two local residents were arrested by the Nasaka and brought to the camp on April 20. The two Bangladeshis were also detained at the local camp, but they were transferred to the Nasaka Headquarters of Kyi Gan Pyin of Maungdaw Township and were detained there, said a schoolteacher.

On April 22, Osman was released after paying 500,000 kyats to the Nasaka. However, Md Rofique was not released, although he offered the same amount.