Kachin News Group

The Burmese military junta officials in Kachin State in northern are accepting bribes to release prisoners. Criminals sentenced to jail can bribe the...
The Burmese ruling junta is peeved that unlicensed motorcycle owners in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma are not applying for...
Ethnic Kachins in northern Burma have kick started their campaign for contesting the 2010 general elections by the Burmese ruling junta soon after...
People from both China and Burma crossing the border between China's Yunnan province and Northern Burma are being thoroughly checked by Chinese...
The larger ethnic Kachin organisations in Northern Burma set up an 'Interim Kachin Committee (IKC)' on June 20 to form a big Kachin and Non-Kachin...
As the Beijing Olympic Games in China approaches on August 8, it has upset thousands of border jade traders in Kachin State in northern Burma, said...
All non-Buddhist students in the school of Development of Border Areas and National Races (Na-Ta-La) under the Burmese ruling junta must accept...
Gen. Aung San Sixty one years after Burmese General Aung San's assassination opinion is still divided among ethnic Kachin leaders on autonomy arrived...
The Burmese military junta's education system is in a mess. For instance teachers' in-charge of middle school students in Dum Gan village 10 miles...
Kachin State is in the forefront when it comes to making donations for victims of Cyclone Nargis. It has donated over 1,000 million Kyats an...
In a historic step taken by the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), the Mali stream (not Irrawaddy River) hydro-power project has been producing...
The Burmese military junta's former Northern Command (Ma-Pa-Kha) Commander Maj-Gen. Ohn Myint has pulled another fast one on the people of Myitkyina...
Muscling its way into land and property of people has been an old habit of the Burmese Army. The military has been known to seize whatever it takes a...
Residents of Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State are desperate to have uninterrupted supply of electricity from the Mali stream hydro-power...
The Burmese military junta authorities in Kachin State in northern Burma has confiscated land owned by Christians in Sadung (Sadon) areas in eastern...
