Burmese military junta officials and the police are involved in stealing and selling hundreds of heads of cattle owned by civilians in eastern Kachin State to China, locals alleged.
Regime officials near the Sino-Burma border are in cahoots with some villagers, stealing and selling hundreds of heads of cattle, said a local source.
Residents who have witnessed the theft complained to the higher authorities but no heed was paid.
“Whenever we complain, the authorities say they are unable to take action without proof,” said a resident.
“For three years now, cows and buffaloes are going missing. At least 300 have been missing every year in Dalaw village alone,” added the resident.
It is believed that higher authorities from the army and police are into the illegal business. They are using some villagers to steal cattle. On May 9, Village Peace and Development Council (Ka-Ya-Ka) detained a few people and the incidence of thefts has come down somewhat, said a villager.
Win Thein, the head of the police in the village is raking in money from the lucrative business, he added.
China is a good market, offering higher prices for cattle from Kachin State and more and more local people are joining the illegal trade.
Cattle from Kachin State and from lower Burma are being sent to China illegally.
Drugs are the other big menace in these areas, which is becoming rampant, because authorities have a hand in the illegal trade, said local people.
The authorities are bribed 100,000 Kyats (US$104) or more by drug dealers, villagers said. Police officer San Htoo is the person, who should be preventing the illegal trade.
Over 2000 families live around Dalaw village and areas nearby. And the unstable political situation is only making the situation worse for civilians as complaints to authorities do not help.