Kachins in India mark 49th Kachin Revolution Day

Kachins in India mark 49th Kachin Revolution Day
The 49th Kachin Revolution Day was marked by a rally at Jantar Mantar Park, in New Delhi capital of India by ethnic Kachin people and Burmese activists living in the city. Organized by the Kachin National Organization (KNO), over 50 activists, Burmese refugees and Buddhist monks...

The 49th Kachin Revolution Day was marked by a rally at Jantar Mantar Park, in New Delhi capital of India by ethnic Kachin people and Burmese activists living in the city. Organized by the Kachin National Organization (KNO), over 50 activists, Burmese refugees and Buddhist monks assembled at the Jantar Mantar demanding that the Burmese junta stop abuses and oppression in Kachin State, immediately halt the Irrawaddy Myitsone dam project, and release Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The rally was held on the occasion of the 49th Revolution Day of the Kachin Independent Army (KIA) formed on February 5, 1961.

“Kachin people are fighting for freedom, since 1961. There were five armed groups in Kachin State but now only two groups remain to fight for self determination,” KNO member Andrewshin said at the rally.

Ethnic Kachins and Burmese protested today Burmese junta in Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, India.

KIA was set up in 1961 near Lashio in Northeast Shan State. The first group, which split from KIA, was led by Zahkung Ting Ying in 1968.  He formed the New Democratic Army-Kachin (NDA-K). The second group was led by Mahtu Naw, Kachin Defense Army (KDA) in 1990 and the last Lasang Awng Wa Peace Group came about in 2004.

Buckling under pressure from the junta, the NDA-K, KDA and Lasang Awng Wa Peace Group transformed to the Burma Army-controlled Border Guard Force and militia groups.

KIO is still under immense pressure from the regime to change the KIA into the BGF even as fruitless parleys continue between the junta and the KIO officials. Ten meetings have already been held.

“People in Burma need to strive to work for achieving freedom and human rights,” said Andrewshin from KNO formed in 1999 by overseas Kachin people.

The rally was held with Kachin ethnic people living in New Delhi, from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. today.