Closed Thai Airports Keep Rangoon Tour Agencies On Toes

Closed Thai Airports Keep Rangoon Tour Agencies On Toes
Tourist agencies in Rangoon, the former capital of Burma are on their toes these days because two airports in Thailand have been closed to air traffic off late, a source said...

Tourist agencies in Rangoon, the former capital of Burma are on their toes these days because two airports in Thailand have been closed to air traffic off late, a source said.
According to a staff member of a tourist agency in Rangoon, they have been busy everyday with cancellation by tourists who were supposed to visit Burma. Most tourist reservations are being canceled.

"Mostly, clients visiting Burma who have reservations come by Thai Airways (TG) flights which were canceled. But the clients who had reservations with Malaysia Airlines (MAS) are coming in," said a staff of a leading tourist agency in Rangoon.

She added that the electricity supply was being cut off and on while the staff members were busy with their work at the agency. It is another reason for frustration for them.

The tourism industry in Burma has been badly hit after Cyclone Nargis lashed the country in May, she added.

On the other hand, visitors from Burma to Thailand are also being delayed since the Thai airports are closed, according to a Rangoon resident.