Insects bred in castor oil plants kill people in northern Burma

Insects bred in castor oil plants kill people in northern Burma
In an alarming situation, insects breeding in bio-fuel plants called Castor oil plants also called Jet Suu in Burmese have killed at least a dozen people in northern Burma, said local sources ...

In an alarming situation, insects breeding in bio-fuel plants called
Castor oil plants also called Jet Suu in Burmese have killed at least a
dozen people in northern Burma, said local sources.

Recently a widow and her daughter died after being bitten by
unidentified insects in Castor oil plants or Physic nut trees (Jatropha
curcas) on September 13 in Myitkyina Township, the capital of Kachin
State, residents in Myitkyina told KNG today.

According to locals, they were bitten by the green-coloured and
earthworm-like insects and died of the poison in the insects within
three minutes while they were selling snacks under the Castor oil trees
in front of No. 5 State High School in Thidar quarter in Myitkyina.

About 10 people including children in Shatapru and Jan Mai Kawng
quarters, and a bicycle trishaw driver also reportedly died early this
month after they were bitten by the same insects from Castor oil trees
in the township, loal sources added.

Meanwhile, alarmed school teachers in Myitkyina have cautioned students
to stay away from Castor oil trees in the school compound and other
places, a resident said.

Unusually, the military authorities in Myitkyina cleaned the Castor oil
trees around Myitkyina Public General Hospital, Du Mare, Thidar and
Tatkone quarters by cutting the stems early this month, said local

On the other hand, the new Northern Military Command commander of the
military junta, Maj-Gen Soe Win has issued a warning that strong action
would be taken on residents who report about the deadly insect in
Castor oil trees, according to residents.

In June, several children and adults were hospitalized and the patients
felt nausea and were dazed after they ate the poisonous fruits of
Castor oil trees.

Because of the junta's state-project for future bio-fuel production, it
is mandatory to grow Castor oil plants  in  vacant place near
government buildings, schools, offices, roadsides as well as open
spaces outside the townships, quarters and villages in Myitkyina, added

However, there are no warning signboards and posters in Castor oil
plantations from military rulers, rather signboards and posters exhort
people to grow the trees for income, residents said.

Residents of Myitkyina are alarmed and extremely scared of the insects
because they are surrounded with Castor oil trees, said residents.