Kachin Baptist youth gather in Northern Burma

Kachin Baptist youth gather in Northern Burma
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Kachin News Group
Thousands of Kachin Baptist youth in the country gathered for a week long religious conference (April 5-11, 2008) in Kachin State, Northern Burma.
Thousands of Kachin Baptist youth in the country gathered for a week long religious conference (April 5-11, 2008) in Kachin State, Northern Burma.
The conference started on last Saturday with over 3,000 young people participating in the compound of Damau Naw Memorial Baptist Church in Nbapa in Bhamo District, a controlled area of the ceasefire group, the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) near the Sino-Burma, a youth leader in Nbapa told KNG.
According to conference programme, the title of the conference is taken from a verse in the Bible "The Lord is with us and has defeated the gods who protected them; so don't be afraid. Ref: Numbers 14:9b"
Mr. Nhkum Tang Gun, leader of the Youth Department under the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) who is one of the organisers of the conference said, "Many youths are feeling anxious therefore we have to prepare Bible based lectures in accordance with the selected verse which is the conference title."
Among the participants, a majority is from the host Kachin State and some are from Baptist churches around the country.  Some are from neighbouring China's Yunnan province, the participants said.
Meanwhile, soldiers of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) the KIO's armed wing has arranged for security around the conference areas, said a KIO junior officer in Nbapa.
This youth conference is being organised by the KBC youth department for the seventh time and is held every five years in Baptist churches under the KBC in Burma, KBC source said.