Disappointment as Kachin Parties Refuse to Cooperate

Disappointment as Kachin Parties Refuse to Cooperate
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A committee comprised of Kachin concerned about next year's national election has issued a statement lamenting the refusal of Kachin political parties to cooperate with each other.

The statement by the group whose name translates into English as the 'The Committee of Public Voice for the Unity of all Kachin parties' warned that by refusing to cooperate the Kachin parties are doomed to cancel each other out, thus aiding the ruling party.

Disappointment as Kachin Parties Refuse to Cooperate

The Kachin Democratic Party (KDP), the Kachin State Democracy Party (KSDP) and the Kachin State National Congress for Democracy (KNCD) party held a meeting on 19th December in Myitkyina, the Kachin state capital, about future possible cooperation and or merging. The meeting ended without agreement.

“We believe, all Kachin political parties were formed for the same purpose to serve people not for themselves, so they should listen and do what people wish,” said the statement.

A similar meeting held earlier on 25th February 2014 at the Shatapru Baptist Church in Myitkyina also ended without an agreement.

At the first meeting the KNCD, the KSDP and the Lisu National Development Party (LNDP) made clear their refusal to cooperate with each other. However the KDP leaders indicated at the time that they were open to possible future cooperation.