Fuel prices have increased 15 per cent, to between 300 and 400 kyats, in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State, residents said. A petrol retailer said, “The price of a gallon of Myanmar petrol was 5,200 kyats ($6) and Chinese petrol is 4,800 kyats ...
Fuel prices have increased 15 per cent, to between 300 and 400 kyats, in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State, residents said.
A petrol retailer said, “The price of a gallon of Myanmar petrol was 5,200 kyats ($6) and Chinese petrol is 4,800 kyats ($5.5). Now, we are selling one bottle for 900 kyats ($1).”
The privately owned Htoo Trading Company, which has a contract for the right to sell fuel in the country, was selling petrol for 2,500 kyats ($2.8) for vehicles which are licensed by the government.
Special prices were available at two stations which were over crowded with three wheel motorcycle rickshaws and motorcycles said a resident. The petrol stations are only selling four gallons per month to each licensed vehicle owner.
However the selling price at the two stations might rise to 3,500 kyats ($4) per gallon because of continuing price hikes.
In the capital, which has a population of about half a million people there are around 17,500 Chinese made motorcycles. However, two thirds of them are not licensed according to the resident.
Commodity prices are also going up in the city after rumors spreading around the country that government employees’ salaries will increase around the time of the Water Festival.
However, the military government’s Ministry of Finance and Revenue Customs denied the rumor at a meeting on Wednesday, at Naypyidaw, the new capital of the junta.