NDF Bawk Ja hunted by police

NDF Bawk Ja hunted by police
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The police have launched a massive hunt for Bawk Ja, candidate of the National Democratic Force (NDF) from Hpakant Township in Burma’s northern Kachin State, said local sources close to her. An arrest warrant has been issued for her by the Burmese military junta...

The police have launched a massive hunt for Bawk Ja, candidate of the National Democratic Force (NDF) from Hpakant Township in Burma’s northern Kachin State, said local sources close to her. An arrest warrant has been issued for her by the Burmese military junta.

 Kachin News GroupThe police have cast its net wise for her in three townships--- Myitkyina, Hpakant and Danai (Tanai) soon after Brig-Gen Zeyar Aung, Burmese junta’s commander of Northern Regional Command (Ma-Pa-Kha) issued the arrest warrant on Bawk Ja on January 17, said the sources in Myitkyina.

Prior to issuing the arrest warrant, she was being tracked by the police for allegedly selling medicines illegally in gold mining fields in Hukawng Valley, a source close to her told Thailand-based Kachin News Group today.

The junta’s arrest warrant on Bawk Ja is not related to the illegal selling of medicines in the gold mines because people freely sell medicines in the mine fields without permission for years. 

The military authorities issued the warrant on Bawk Ja for two reasons--- she sent a a letter of complaint to the Union Election Commission in the country’s capital Naypyitaw regarding fraud over the results where U Ohn Myint, her rival of the junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) was declared the winner, and she stood firmly behind farmers in Hukawng Valley over land seizure by Yunaza Company in court.

So far no politician has publicly opposed widespread land confiscation by Yuzana Company in Hugawng whereas Bawk Ja helped them legally to sue Yuzana in court.

She helped Kachin people in Hukawng Valley whose land was seized by the junta-backed Yunaza Company owned by U Htay Myint. Bawk Ja joined NDF party in October last year as a people’s representative of Hpakant township.

A source close to her told KNG today, that Bawk Ja has not been detained by police so far.  She has houses in Myitkyina and Danai.

The military authorities did not give details of her arrest warrant and under which law she has been ordered to be detained, added sources. 

A person close to Bawk Ja in Myitkyina said, the military junta will mention, which laws are to be used for arresting Bawk Ja after they detain her. She will be then officially accused by laws by the authorities.