Independent Mon News Agency

IMNA’s field reporters have confirmed that the staff members at 4 major checkpoints in Mon State – the Thanphyuzayart to Mudon highway checkpoint,...
Burmese high school students across the country are currently sitting for the annual “10 standard” examinations; unfortunately, Mudon Township...
Sources report that prostituion is a rapidly growing problem in Burma's major cities, as rising unemployment rates are forcing Burmese women to work...
Timber sellers in Three Pagodas Pass have informed IMNA that interest from Thai buyers has dropped dramatically since the end of February, and that...
According to sources in Rangoon, a combined security force comprised of the Rangoon police and State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) soldiers...
Families of migrant workers employed in Thailand report to IMNA that they fear that Thailand’s commencement of the proposed mass deportations of...
Travelers arriving in Rangoon are encountering a series of heightened security measures and travel restrictions by Burmese military government...
Mon State youth are complaining of being increasingly targeted for surveillance efforts by Burmese government authorities since the arrest of Ashin...
A new Mon business corporation, known as the “Talamon Company”, has officially formed, aiming to meet key tenets, besides turning a profit, that...
According New Light of Myanmar on March 4th, Burmese authorities have announced that only 63 Burmese citizens have been infected with H1N1 in 2010,...
Increased inquiry by Burmese government administration members at community festivals and events, intended to curb political discussion, has prompted...
The Customs Department in Mudon and Thanphyuzayart Townships is collecting a ‘land tax’ for the first time from farmers and plantation owners in the...
Burmese army forces are advancing towards the border of eastern Burma, though the specific target of the advance remains unclear, say sources from...
After the shooting of a villager in Yebyu Township, area residents will not leave their village at night for fear of reprisals from the Burmese army...
Two months after arrest of the Mon monk Ashin Uk Kong Sah by Burmese government police, relatives and friends have yet to find out where he is...
