Independent Mon News Agency
Larger numbers of people have been suffering from Malaria in eastern Ye Township [NMSP territory] according to doctors from local health clinics and...
The Burmese government temporary passport office in based in Kawthuang will be moved to Ranong during the coming rainy season,...
Recently retired members of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) appear to be poised to from a second Mon political party to participate in the coming...
More people have gotten sick by Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and have been admitted to Moulamine hospital and other clinics around Mon state, than...
The Chinese government has subsidized the pavilions of developing countries to join the 184 Shanghai Expo....
Villers from Ye Phyu Township have been asked by the village headman to pay for the costs of rebuild his house which was destroyed by a Mon insurgent...
The Burmese agricultural authority known as the Myanmar Agriculture Development Bank, has increased the amounts of direct government loans that rice...
Due to both poor rice harvests following the 2009 rainy season, and planting delays caused by this year’s extended dry season and rampant water...
Over 30 retired Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) soldiers have arrived at New Mon State Party (NMSP) headquarter since April 22nd, a NMSP official...
Sources report that the Mon Peace and Defense Front (MPDF), a Mon splinter group lead by former New Mon State Party (NMSP) Maj. Gen. Aung Naing, is...
According to IMNA’s field reporter in Mon State’s Khaw Zar sub-Township, Infantry Battalion (IB) No. 31 has ordered residents of Khaw Zar town, the...
The All Mon Region Democracy Party (AMRDP) submitted its party’s name, flag and symbol to the Myanmar Union Election Commission on May 14th, the...
Today the Karen National Union (KNU) has denied the Burmese government’s numerous accusations regarding the several....
Mon literature and culture summer schools must rely solely on Mon donors for funding, Mon National Literature and Culture Committee (MNLCC) Joint...
Widespread reliance upon unclean waters supplies during this year’s hot season has lead to the outbreak of a deadly diarrhea illness in several...