Violent crime driving Burmese workers from southern Thailand

Violent crime driving Burmese workers from southern Thailand
by -
Kon Hadae
Migrant workers in southern Thailand are returning to Burma to avoid violent crime in Hat Yai Township, Songkhla Province. At least three migrant workers have been killed in the last few weeks...

Migrant workers in southern Thailand are returning to Burma to avoid violent crime in Hat Yai Township, Songkhla Province. At least three migrant workers have been killed in the last few weeks.

“As far as I know, 300 people here have gone back to Burma. As for us, we are still monitoring the situation and if it gets any worse we’ll leave here too,” said a relative of one of the murdered workers, who also works on a rubber plantation.

His relative was murdered on February 15th when two families were robbed in Hat Yai. They handed money over to the robbers but then, when they could not provide the jewelry that was demanded, his male relative was shot to death and two women were stabbed, the man told IMNA.

In another incident, on February 18th, two male workers were robbed and stabbed to death said a relative of one of the stabbed men, also a plantation worker.

Another worker in Hat Yai said on February 18th that during the last month robbers had tied up some workers and stolen 800 rubber sheets belonging to them.

According to the man whose relative was killed in the February 15th incident and who has been living and working the area for over ten years, robbers have often stolen from migrant workers and it used to happen almost every year. But he said he had never heard of people being killed before until this year.

According to a woman worker, who is afraid to stay on the rubber plantation where she works and is renting a house in a small village nearby, “even while I’m staying in the area, I’m always prepared to run.”