Thanpyuzayart TPDC makes money cremating cyclone dead

Thanpyuzayart TPDC makes money cremating cyclone dead
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Corruption is so deep rooted in Myanmar that money was made even while cremating bodies of the dead in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis.

Corruption is so deep rooted in Myanmar that money was made even while cremating bodies of the dead in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis.


The Thanpyuzayart Township Peace and Development Council TPDC gave an account of the expenditure last week for cremating bodies floating into the Mon state coastline. But there was no mention where the rest of the money which was collected from residents went, said a source close to them.


Before the cremation the TPDC collected 1000 Kyat from each family in town which has over 6000 households. The TPDC told town residents to hire people for the cremation during the end of May.


The TPDC accounted for 442,000 Kyat spent for cremating 389 bodies, a source closed to the TPDC said.


A TPDC report said they used 25 gallons of diesel for burning the bodies, 19 gallons for a boat and truck to carry the bodies and bought 25 sacks of lime stone and some other material.


The source claimed that millions Kyat is left with the TPDC but they did not account for it.  To top it, the TPDC deducted payments to those they hired to cremate the bodies.


According to those they hired to cremate the bodies the authorities promised to pay 5000 Kyat to them per day, but they only paid 2000 Kyat after the cremation.


The TPDC hired ten people for a week and added some more when more bodies floated in. The PDC also forced 10 men from each village along the beach to work with them for burning bodies and to clear wood and bamboo along the beach.

The TPDC also forced some owners of cars and boats to carry the dead. According to the TPDC list, 217 bodies were cremated in Setsae beach, 102 in Paran Parin beach, 48 in Kadart Though beach, two in Ankae beach, and 22 in Panga village.