Fuel price drops marginally in Mon state

Fuel price drops marginally in Mon state
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Mon Son
Fuel prices have dropped marginally in Mon state while in the biggest city Rangoon it remains the same.

Fuel prices have dropped marginally in Mon state while in the biggest city Rangoon it remains the same.

The price of fuel dropped by 5.1 percent, down from 5600 Kyat to 5200 Kyat per gallon in Mon state. In the former capital Rangoon it continues to be 5600 Kyat per gallon of gasoline.

"We were paying 5600 Kyat previously. But now it has dropped slightly. If we by per bottle we have to pay 1000 Kyat," a customer in Moulmein said.

In Rangoon , people pay 2500 Kyat per gallon at government prices, the same as Mon state people. The military regime sells gasoline to people who own cars and motor cycles at a lower price once a week but the quantity is limited.

Although the price has dropped, bus and minibus owners are still taking the same fare from passengers.

However, essential commodity prices like that of rice, onion, fat, and pork are increasing by the day.

A majority of people in Mon state claimed that they are unable to combat the soaring prices. It could force people to leave their homeland to seek jobs in neighbouring countries.