Bodies float to Mon State

Bodies float to Mon State
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Almost a month after the killer cyclone lashed Irrawaddy delta and Rangoon , over 120 bodies have floated into the coast of Mon State .

Almost a month after the killer cyclone lashed Irrawaddy delta and Rangoon , over 120 bodies have floated into the coast of Mon State .

A member of an organisation, which has been burning the bodies on the Set-sea beach in Thanpyuzayart about 136 bodies were burnt during the end of May.

"The bodies are increasingly floating into Mon State ," villagers in these areas said. About 120 bodies floated to Kyaik-kame beach in Thanpyuzayart Township .

According to Azin villager in Ye Township, the rotting bodies were caught in fishermen's nets.

Since bodies started to float in most people in Mon State are afraid to eat fish from the sea.

State authorities also arranged to burn the bodies in each Township.

After the cyclone hit Irrawaddy and Rangoon Division, bodies, animal carcasses and equipment have been floating to the cost of Mon State .