Burmese military southeast command watches US warship

Burmese military southeast command watches US warship
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The Southeast Command based in Moulmein (Mawlamyine) the capital of Mon State has been keeping a close watch on a US warship which is waiting off the coast of Burma with relief supplies for cyclone refugees. The command has also posted soldiers on the costal villages along the bay in the state.

The Southeast Command based in Moulmein (Mawlamyine) the capital of Mon State has been keeping a close watch on a US warship which is waiting off the coast of Burma with relief supplies for cyclone refugees. The command has also posted soldiers on the costal villages along the bay in the state.

According to a source close to soldiers at the coast, they (soldiers) are watching the US warship with binoculars. They told villagers that "You already know what we are watching".

The soldiers guarding the costal area are from the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No-587 and LIB No-343 based in Aru-taung village in Lamine Sub Township .

"They are based along the mountain side near the sea and are closely watching the pagodas along the mountain near Kawdood village and plantations," the source said that.  They started the monitoring a week ago.

They have been observing every fishing boat including fishermen they suspect near the sea-shore from the Andaman Sea .

About five vehicles passed along the Moulmein - Thanpyuzayart highway over two days ago, said an eyewitness in Mudon Township .

According to a woman in a village, villagers have been saying that soldiers from foreign countries came to Kalar Gote Island near Kawdood in a boat. "I didn't see it, but many people in our village are talking about it."

US warships will unload relief material soon on the Burma Sea if the Burmese regime does not permit distribution of the supplies for the victims of Cyclone Nargis, according to The Irish Times.