Students forced to bribe university staffs

Students forced to bribe university staffs
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Mizzima news
Staff members of the University of Distance Education in Moulmein (Mawlamyine), Mon State have been taking money from the students when they enroll. The staff members take money from students who do not bring their identity cards (ID) along with their parents ID.

Staff members of the University of Distance Education in Moulmein (Mawlamyine), Mon State have been taking money from the students when they enroll. The staff members take money from students who do not bring their identity cards (ID) along with their parents ID.

Most of the 2nd and final year students without their IDs have to pay 1500 and 2000 kyat to the staff as bribe. Students have to bring their ID as well as their parents when they enroll in the 1st year. Those in other years do not need to bring IDs because the staff members accept the ID number.

Ma Sandar, staff from UDE said that "This year, the system is changing, you can't enroll without your ID cards; you have to bring it from your home" she said sternly to the students.

One student from Kolort-tort village, Mudon township asked "why don't they announce to us before; they just give us trouble. Last year I didn't need to bring the ID and the staff could looked at it from last year's application form."

Students have to wait in front of the enrolling office until they give money to the staff. Some students from Ye and Thaton township did not want to go back to bring their ID cards because it would take time and involved travel costs.

The students have to wait for a week to enroll. The distance university staff said that they were very busy; they had no time to look at last year's list.

Ma Win from the University of Mawlamyine said that they don't need to wait in their University and teachers do not take bribes from the students.

UDE has a system where students have to write an assignment by themselves, however some students bribe their staff with 10,000 kyat to write their assignment. The cost of enrolling in the University is 13,000 kyat per student.