Burmese Army forces home relocation for new road

Burmese Army forces home relocation for new road
by -
Mi Kyae Goe
The Burmese Army based in Mon State , southern Burma has ordered villagers to build community housing, forcibly relocating them so that it can sell the valuable roadside plots as real estate.

The Burmese Army based in Mon State , southern Burma has ordered villagers to build community housing, forcibly relocating them so that it can sell the valuable roadside plots as real estate.
The Burmese Army division Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No-31 operates in Kaw-zar sub Township in southern Mon State . It has told people in a local village, Kyone-kanya, to move into an area close to the planned road, claiming it will improve the development of the village.
An IMNA source confirmed that the relocation of homes is on, but he was not sure how many houses would be moved.
"They (the army) want to dismantle the houses and rebuild in the area close to the road," said a Kyone-kanya villager. His sister was also forced to relocate. Most of the houses are made of wood.
The Kyone-kanya villager said according to a Burmese officer, Kyone-kanya village has no main road and there is need to construct one.
Kyone-kanya villagers are being forced to move to the new place even though no one wants to because they have to spend money to rebuild their houses on new land. And it's a waste of time.
The Burmese Army is selling the plots of land for 150,000 Kyat (126 US $) for villagers who need to take apart their houses and 400,000 Kyat (336 US $) for others.
"They (villagers) don't want to leave their neighbourhood because they love their place. But they have to move due to fear of the Burmese Army," he said
Lieutenant Colonel Ye Lwin Oo and Major Tun Tun Naing, of the Burmese Army battalion LIB No-31 are responsible for the recent relocation, the source said.
The local army battalion ordered the relocation of over 100 Bayoun-nage village households and destroyed some of their houses in July 2007 including burning down about two houses.