More Than 30,000 Students Learning Ethnic Languages in Mon State

More Than 30,000 Students Learning Ethnic Languages in Mon State
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In this 2014-2015 academic year, there are more than 30,000 students learning ethnic languages in Mon State, according to Dr. Min Nwe Soe, Minister of Economics and Planning.

The First State Hluttaw held its 10th Regular Session over three days during the first week in December, during which Dr. Aung Naing Oo, Hluttaw Representative of Chaungzone Township’s constituency no. 1, asked questions concerning the instruction of ethnic languages in Mon State.

Students Holding up Their Mon Text Books

Minister Dr. Min Nwe Soe, who also acts as Director of Culture, responded by providing statistics of ethnic language instruction in Mon State from the past two years.

“Last year, across [Mon] State, there were 4,505 students learning the S’gaw Karen language but 9,222 students this year; 363 students learning Po Karen last year, but 3,050 students this year; 1,665 students learning Pa’O last year, but 1,370 students this year; 20,095 students learning Mon last year, but 19,369 this year,” said Dr. Min Nwe Soe.

Although there are a large number of students learning ethnic languages in Mon State, only a very few number of ethnic-language teachers are supported by the government; the majority of ethnic language teachers receive their salaries from their respective ethnic groups.

According to the Minister, there were 32 ethnic language teachers supported by the government during the 2013-2014 academic year, while 82 teachers are receiving support from the government this year. In reality, however, those 82 teachers have yet to receive any support from the government for this academic year.

“At present, in Chaungzone Township, there are more than 80 [ethnic language] teachers teaching at 37 schools. But, they have not received any support yet,” said Dr. Aung Naing Oo.

The Minister continued that on October 30th, the No. 1 Basic Education Ministry was requested to allocate 17,382,000 kyats to support of the 82 ethnic language teachers in Mon State. When the ministry distributes the support, they will do it all at once.

According to records from the Mon National Education Committee of the New Mon State Party, there are more than 800 Mon teachers, teaching more than 30,000 students, at 142 Mon national schools and 107 integrated schools, in Mon and Karen States and the Tenasserim Division in this 2014-2015 academic year. Of all the students and teachers, more than half are located in Mon State.

As with Mon language, the ethnic languages of S’gaw Karen, Po Karen, and Pa’O are being taught with their plans and support.

In Mon State alone, S’gaw Karen is taught in Bilin, Chaungzone, Thanbyuzayat, and Ye Townships; Po Karen is taught in Bilin, Paung and Kyaikmayaw Townships; Pa’O is taught in Bilin, Thaton, and Paung Townships; while Mon is taught in Paung, Moulmein, Chaungzone, Kyaikmayaw, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat, and Ye Townships
In June 2014, Minister Dr. Min Nwe Soe met with committees of ethnic teaching negotiation, township education administrators, school principals and teachers, where discussions were held regarding the teaching of ethnic languages at primary-level state schools.