Mon People’s Liberation Army Named as Perpetrators of Bomb Blast

Mon People’s Liberation Army Named as Perpetrators of Bomb Blast
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By NAI MARN - Mudon—– A passenger of the Hilux car, which was taken hostage by an armed group in Mudon Township on May 14th, has claimed that the armed group which exploded a bomb at the Telecommunications Office in Mudon, was a group of ethnic Mon.

A field reporter from the Independent Mon News Agency conducted an interview with one of the passengers, who said, “They were speaking in Mon. I noticed on the shirt that they were wearing, there was a name, which was ‘MPLA’ [Mon People's Liberation Army].”

The MPLA was formed in 2009 and is led by Nai Than Lwin, a former member of the New Mon State Party (NMSP).

The MPLA has been active in Mudon, formerly demanding taxes from Mudon Township residents.

At the Kakalao Pagoda, six members of the MPLA forced the passengers out of the car, while allowing the driver to remain, before heading to the Telecommunications Office.

At six a.m., the group forced the car driver to hit the gate of the Telecommunication Office which was locked.

The group set off a bomb at the Telecommunication Office, killing one policeman   and injuring one telecommunication officer. The group drove the car back to Kakalao Pagoda, got out, and left.

Meanwhile, the car driver, who is from Kamarwet village, has been detained with the  Light Infantry Battalion No. 209, based near Kamarwet Village.

Authorities investigating the case have ordered the village headman in Jone Paik to make a list of former NMSP members staying in the village.

The Telecommunications Office is located in Jone Paik village, which is 0.5 mile from Kakalao Pagoda, where the six MPLA members got out of the car and fled into the jungle.