Burmese embassy in Singapore extends polling days

Burmese embassy in Singapore extends polling days
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Mizzima News
The Burmese embassy in Singapore on Monday announced that it will extend the period for polling on the country's draft constitution, as several Burmese citizens have yet to cast votes.

The Burmese embassy in Singapore on Monday announced that it will extend the period for polling on the country's draft constitution, as several Burmese citizens have yet to cast votes.

An announcement posted on the embassy gate read, "As per instruction given by higher authorities, the Burmese embassy hereby announces that it will extend polling days to the 30th of April and 1st of May".

The announcement also said that during these polling days the embassy in Singapore will suspend all routine consular services such as visa applications, collecting taxes and passport extensions.

The embassy had received severe criticism for its lengthy procedure and non-transparent vote counting system, which left many potential voters unable to vote.

"We met with the Ambassador yesterday and asked him to extend the polling days to the 1st of May as it is holiday. The Ambassador said he would consider our request. Now that he has extended the polling days we thank him very much", Ko Kyaw Soe, leader of the Singapore-based Patriotic Burmese Organization, told Mizzima.

An unprecedented vote 'NO' campaign by Burmese citizens in Singapore took place on Sunday, conducted by pro-democracy activists and politically conscious Burmese.

Protesters launched a 'NO' campaign against the Burmese junta's draft constitution by wearing red T-shirts with the word 'NO' printed on them. After the demonstration, the protestors sang the Burmese national anthem on their return from the embassy to Peninsular Plaza. The Burmese anthem is a popular song and is commonly sung by protesters during anti-government demonstrations.