Karen Information Center

July 11, 2023
Karen cultural activist Sa Thein Za Min was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment with hard labor, while the other two fellow promoters of Karen...
July 11, 2023
The Special Operation Force (SOF) made an announcement stating that the resistance joint forces successfully demolished the electricity distribution...
July 10, 2023
After the military coup, Karen citizens are reporting teak smuggling from the forest near the Taungoo-Thandaung highway, specifically between the 13...
July 8, 2023
The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement – Signatories, Ethnic Armed Organizations (NCA-S EAOs) have released a statement expressing their endorsement of...
July 8, 2023
In Hpa-An and Myawaddy townships in Karen State, immigration officers acting under the authority of the Military Council, are currently gathering...
July 6, 2023
People working with internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nyaunglebin District, under the control of the Karen National Union (KNU) 3rd Brigade,...
July 5, 2023
During combat operations, hundreds of the Military Council troops fired artillery shells and small arms on villages in Mone Township, Nyaunglebin...
June 30, 2023
The Military Council conducted two airstrikes within a single day in the Mutraw (Hpapun) District, an area under the control of the Karen National...
June 27, 2023
After Thailand's decision to cut off Wi-Fi internet access to the Shwekokeko new city project, situated north of Myawaddy Township in Karen State,...
June 27, 2023
At least nine residents of Hnitkayin village,were seriously wounded from artillery shells fired by the Lamaing Artillery Battalion in near the border...
June 27, 2023
Large urban construction projects in Hpa-An , Karen State remain frozen since the coup and unable to resume operations local sources told KIC...
June 23, 2023
Fifteen residents from Kawkareik Township, Karen State, have been detained and are currently being interrogated at the local police station for their...