Independent Mon News Agency

August 31, 2023
Pharmacy owners mentioned that there's a lack of medicines in Mon State's pharmacies. This happened because some pharmaceutical companies stopped...
August 30, 2023
In honor of the 76th Mon Revolution Day, which falls on August 31, 2023, the Revolutionary Alliance Force based in Mon State and Tenasserim (...
August 26, 2023
Border Guard Force (BGF) Lieutenant Win Soe, and his wife, Daw Zin Mar Myo were shot dead on the morning of August 24, according to local residents...
August 25, 2023
An international airport and port project planned by the military junta, has not yet begun, say local residents. The international airport is to be...
August 25, 2023
The leader of the junta's press division General Zaw Min Tun said military intends to conduct the general elections. He made the statement during the...
August 15, 2023
Near Wekami and Ywatayar villages in Thanphyuzayat Township, Mon State, 145 undocumented Rohingya individuals were apprehended. On the morning of...
July 29, 2023
Some revolutionary leaders expressed their efforts to encourage more women to participate in the Spring Revolution. Comrade Sonny from the All Burma...
July 27, 2023
In Thaton Township in northern part of Mon State, the KNU Brigade No. 1 has reported that there are approximately 3,000 local residents being...
July 27, 2023
In Ye Township, Mon State, the local villagers and Buddhist monks urge the New Mon State Party to provide security. On June 25th, a conflict erupted...
July 26, 2023
A landmine exploded while a was cutting grass on a farm near Aung Thar Yar village, Ye Township, Mon State, which is the Ye-Thanphyuzayat highway,...
July 18, 2023
The Chair of the Mon State Defense Force (MSDF), Dr. Thiri Mon Chan, announced that the Karen National Union (KNU) has not yet resolved a case...
July 17, 2023
Clashes between the military junta and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) have been ongoing since the morning of July 14, near Kale-Tagundaing...