Independent Mon News Agency

The closed BGF and Nyaung Ben Gate (Google Map)
February 29, 2020
Border authorities on both sides of Myanmar and Thailand have closed two illegal crossing points linking the Three Pagoda Pass area in Karen State,...
February 29, 2020
After learning about large or mega-project plans to build a deep-seaport, a bridge, an airfield and other related infrastructure on Kalagote island...
State Counselor meeting with public in Kyarinseikkyi
February 27, 2020
On February 24, the State Counselor, Aung San Suu Kyi visited Kawkareik and Kyarinseikkyi townships for a public meeting, where she commented the...
February 26, 2020
Proposed construction of an airport and deep seaport on Kalargote Island in Ye Township, Mon State is the source of serious concern for local people...
NMSP Chairperson Nai Hongsa (MNA)
February 17, 2020
The increasing abuse of drugs and illicit trafficking is being brought by other nationalities to Mon State and is critically affecting Mon youth’s...
Mon State Chief Minister Dr.Aye Zan and members of Mon State Government attending the ceremony of 73th Mon National Day (MNA)
February 13, 2020
Mon State Chief Minister Dr. Aye Zan delivered his speech at the 73rd Mon National Day ceremony (Center) held in Mawlamyine on February 9, saying Mon...
Photo- The 73rd Grand celebration of Mon National Day (photo: MNA)
February 13, 2020
State Counselor, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing sent a statement to the 73rd...
Dr. Aung Naing Oo speaking at the State Hluttaw (MNA)
February 11, 2020
Illegal fishing industries and fishing rafts are the leading causes of human trafficking in Ye Township. Dr. Aung Naing Oo, the parliamentary...
The meeting of the government officials and NCA-S EAO peace negotiation Team (photo: NRPC)
February 7, 2020
The government and the ten ethnic armed organizations who signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA-S EAO) have come up with a new move to...
February 6, 2020
Mon people must pay close attention to conserve the Mon ethnic nationality in order to prevent it from disappearing. The Chair of the New Mon State...
February 4, 2020
The Karen National Union Chairperson, General Saw Mutu Say Poe marked the 71st Karen National Revolution Day (January 31st), by announcing that the...
February 4, 2020
The Union Election Commission has submitted a list of names of ethnic parliament members involved in the Fifth Amendment of Union Election policy to...