‘A Drop of Milk’, a 2-year pilot program for improving maternal and child health outcomes across 138 villages in Southern Shan State, Myanmar was launched by Tag International Development (TAG), Rotary Club of Yangon & @Rotary Club of Vashon and the Pindaya General Hospital together with the support of the Embassy of Israel and Israeli Doctors from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, according to a press release.
The opening ceremony of the project was held on 6 August 2018 at Pindaya General Hospital, attended by Ambassador of Israel to Myanmar, Mr. Daniel Zonshine, the authorities of the hospital and regional government officials from Pindaya Township,
‘A Drop of Milk‘ will impact 4 hospitals and 138 rural villages in Shan State of Myanmar. The Hospitals will receive life-saving equipment for high-risk pregnancy and births. Some of the equipment is donated by Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, including an ultrasound machine previously unattainable in the local hospital.
The Embassy of Israel in Myanmar is providing the relevant support for the project and the Embassy affirms that Israel will continue helping with aid in the appropriate area of Myanmar, according to needs.