July 14, 2010
In a new revelation Kokang rebels sheltered in China’s southwest Yunnan province are allegedly into illegal amphetamine production in the dam...
July 13, 2010
| Salai Tun
A massive dengue outbreak is spreading through Mae La refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border, and 500 refugees are receiving treatment for the...
July 13, 2010
A massage and restaurant owner who ran his business along the Thai-Burma border was killed near Boe Pow Yeik Tha last night, according...
July 13, 2010
| Marm Sart Khaing
Students of the Government Technical College in Sittwe are still mired in problems going to school with the new school bus fares fixed by the Science...
July 13, 2010
| Hseng Khio Fah
Burma’s ethnic Lahu National Democratic Party (LNDP) is said to be contesting in only six townships across Shan State in the forthcoming general...
July 13, 2010
| Hseng Khio Fah/ Emily Hobbs
The Sino-Burma border based National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) aka Mongla group has refuted allegations that it had offered military support...
July 13, 2010
Rohingya villagers in south Maungdaw town are now staring at food scarcity after being affected by landslides and floods on June 15 in Arakan State...
July 13, 2010
| Saw Thein Myint
There have been five deaths from flu with the onset of monsoon among over 500 refugees suffering from fever in Mae La refugee camp 45 kilometers...
July 13, 2010
| Zaw Gyi
Eight Burmese nationals, who entered Thailand with the help of human traffickers, were arrested in Maesod, the Thai-Burma border...
July 13, 2010
The Burmese Army has been using forced labor of villagers in Buthidaung Township since the beginning of this month for paddy cultivation in the...
July 13, 2010
Kokang troops, from Burma’s Shan State, who had escaped the Burmese Army’s onslaught in August last year and sheltered all this time in China’s...
July 13, 2010
Authorities in Rangoon have banned all kinds of fund-raising in markets citywide, after groups last week ran into a legal dilemma while attempting to...
July 12, 2010
| Khaing Suu
The Kaman National Progressive Party, formed in March, consists of members of the Kaman ethnic group of the Muslim minority from Arakan State...
July 12, 2010
Thai authorities have made the largest drug bust in Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand this year. The arrest came after a week of heightened security...
July 12, 2010
| Hseng Khio Fah/ Emily Hobbs
A senior officer of the Shan State Army (SSA) ‘North’ responded to criticism from the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) and United Wa State...