November 7, 2012
| Mizzima
Some 2,000 ethnic Palaung villagers have been displaced from their homes in northern Shan State since March 2011, and some 1,000 still remain in...
November 7, 2012
Juri Chai – Last week, the two Mon political parties unveiled their billboards and flags at a single building in the Kamarwat Region of Mudon...
November 7, 2012
A major from government armed forces and seven soldiers under his command were killed on Monday following clashes with the Kachin Independence Army (...
November 7, 2012
| S.H.A.N
More violations by the Burma Army of the ceasefire agreement may end up in the collapse of the treaty, said Lt-Gen Yawdserk, leader of the...
November 7, 2012
| Kaladan
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) announced on Nov. 4 they will review the recent violence in Arakan State during a special meeting in...
November 7, 2012
15,000 Karen people from villages affected by conflict got together to voice their concerns to their community leaders about unfettered developments...
November 7, 2012
| Mizzima
The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) announced on Tuesday that it has begun distributing food for more than 27,000 people in townships...
November 7, 2012
The first-ever “Golden Suvarnabhumi” Monograph Reading Ceremony in Moulmein, Mon State, concluded on November 4 after recognizing the Suvarnabhumi...
November 7, 2012
| Kaladan
Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) is collecting information from Rohingya villagers in Pauktaw Township, according to one Pauktaw businessman.
November 7, 2012
| Mizzima
Burma will host its second forum on green economy and sustainable growth from November 13 to 15 in Naypyidaw where some 80 environmental experts from...
November 7, 2012
| Mizzima
Burmese President Thein Sein discussed the possibility of Burma signing an agreement against double tariff—effectively a preferential trading...
November 7, 2012
| Mizzima
Newly re-elected US President Barack Obama will attend an ASEAN summit in Cambodia on November 18, adding to speculation he may use the opportunity...
November 7, 2012
| Mizzima
The deadline for the government-appointed Investigation Commission to submit its report into the conflict in Rakhine State has been delayed from...
November 6, 2012
| Narinjara
A recently formed governmental committee will determine which families in Pauk Taw Township are illegal aliens, according to various news reports...
November 6, 2012
| Mizzima
A Chinese court on Tuesday sentenced Shan drug lord Naw Kham and three of his subordinates to death for the murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the...